How Various Businesses Can Use Whatsapp Templates to Communicate Effectively with Their Customers ?

Whatsapp is one of the most popular and widely used messaging platforms in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users. It offers a fast, secure, and convenient way to communicate with your friends, family, and customers. But did you know that you can also use Whatsapp to send automated and customized messages to your audience using Whatsapp Templates?

In this blog post, we will explain what Whatsapp Templates are, how they can benefit your business, and how you can create and use them effectively with ChatMaxima, the ultimate Whatsapp marketing tool.

What are Whatsapp Templates?

Whatsapp Templates are pre-approved messages that you can send to your contacts using the Whatsapp Business API. They are also known as Message Templates or Highly Structured Messages (HSMs). Whatsapp Templates allow you to send notifications, reminders, confirmations, alerts, and other types of messages to your customers without violating the Whatsapp policies and guidelines.

Whatsapp Templates are different from regular Whatsapp messages in two ways:

  • They can be sent outside the 24-hour window. Whatsapp has a rule that you can only send free-form messages to your contacts within 24 hours of their last message to you. After that, you can only send Whatsapp Templates to initiate a conversation or re-engage your customers.
  • They have to be approved by Whatsapp before you can use them. Whatsapp has a strict quality control process to ensure that the Whatsapp Templates you send are relevant, useful, and respectful to your customers. You have to submit your Whatsapp Templates for approval through the Whatsapp Business API or a third-party provider like ChatMaxima.
Understanding the Types of Whatsapp Templates

There are two types of Whatsapp Templates that you can use to communicate with your customers: Text Templates and Media Templates.

Text Templates

Text Templates are Whatsapp Templates that consist of plain text and optional placeholders. Placeholders are variables that you can use to insert dynamic information into your Whatsapp Templates, such as names, dates, numbers, etc. For example, you can use a Text Template to send a booking confirmation message to your customer like this:

Hi {{1}}, thank you for booking your flight with us. Your booking reference is {{2}}. Please check in online 24 hours before your departure. Have a safe trip!

In this Text Template, {{1}} and {{2}} are placeholders that you can replace with the customer’s name and booking reference when you send the message.

Text Templates can also include emojis, links, and formatting options such as bold, italic, and strikethrough. However, they cannot include images, videos, audio, documents, or other media files.

Media Templates

Media Templates are Whatsapp Templates that consist of a media file and an optional text caption. The media file can be an image, a video, an audio, or a document. For example, you can use a Media Template to send a promotional flyer to your customer like this:

!Promotional Flyer

Don’t miss our special offer! Buy one get one free on all items until the end of the month. Visit our website to place your order now.

In this Media Template, the image is the media file and the text below it is the caption. You can also use placeholders in the caption to insert dynamic information.

Media Templates can help you enhance your Whatsapp messages with visual and audio elements, making them more engaging and appealing to your customers.

Guidelines for Using Whatsapp Message Templates

Before you start creating and sending Whatsapp Templates to your customers, you need to be aware of the Whatsapp policies and guidelines that govern the use of Whatsapp Templates. These policies and guidelines are designed to protect the privacy and security of Whatsapp users, as well as to prevent spam and abuse. Here are some of the main points that you need to follow when using Whatsapp Templates:

  • You can only send Whatsapp Templates to customers who have given you their consent to receive messages from you on Whatsapp. You can obtain their consent through various channels, such as your website, app, email, SMS, etc. You also need to provide them with a clear and easy way to opt out of receiving messages from you at any time.
  • You can only send Whatsapp Templates that are relevant and appropriate for your business and your customers. You cannot send Whatsapp Templates that are misleading, fraudulent, offensive, abusive, harassing, or illegal. You also cannot send Whatsapp Templates that promote or endorse products or services that are prohibited by Whatsapp, such as alcohol, drugs, gambling, adult content, etc.
  • You can only send Whatsapp Templates that match the template name and content that you have submitted and approved by Whatsapp. You cannot modify or alter the Whatsapp Templates after they have been approved. You also cannot use placeholders to insert content that is not related to the purpose of the Whatsapp Template.
  • You can only send Whatsapp Templates at a reasonable frequency and volume. You cannot send Whatsapp Templates that are excessive, repetitive, or unsolicited. You also cannot send Whatsapp Templates that are intended to disrupt or interfere with the normal functioning of Whatsapp or its users.

If you violate any of the Whatsapp policies and guidelines, Whatsapp may suspend or terminate your access to the Whatsapp Business API, as well as take legal action against you. Therefore, it is important that you comply with the Whatsapp policies and guidelines at all times when using Whatsapp Templates.

Crafting Personalized Whatsapp Message Templates

One of the key benefits of using Whatsapp Templates is that you can personalize them to suit your customers’ needs and preferences. Personalization can help you increase your customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, as well as improve your conversion rates and sales. Here are some tips on how to craft personalized Whatsapp Message Templates for your customers:

  • Use placeholders to insert dynamic information into your Whatsapp Templates, such as names, dates, numbers, etc. This can help you make your Whatsapp Templates more relevant and specific to each customer. For example, you can use a placeholder to greet your customer by their name, or to include their order number or delivery date in your Whatsapp Template.
  • Use emojis to add emotion and tone to your Whatsapp Templates, as well as to catch your customers’ attention and interest. Emojis can help you convey your personality and brand voice, as well as make your Whatsapp Templates more friendly and fun. For example, you can use a smiley emoji to express your gratitude or appreciation, or a thumbs up emoji to show your approval or agreement.
  • Use links to direct your customers to your website, app, or other online platforms, where they can find more information, complete an action, or make a purchase. Links can help you drive more traffic and engagement to your online channels, as well as increase your chances of converting your customers. For example, you can use a link to invite your customer to check out your latest products or offers, or to confirm their booking or payment.
  • Use formatting options such as bold, italic, and strikethrough to emphasize or highlight certain words or phrases in your Whatsapp Templates, as well as to make them more readable and attractive. Formatting options can help you draw your customers’ attention to the most important or urgent parts of your Whatsapp Templates, as well as to create contrast and variety in your Whatsapp Templates. For example, you can use bold to stress your call to action, or italic to indicate a disclaimer or a note.
Best Practices for Creating Whatsapp Templates

Creating Whatsapp Templates is not a difficult task, but it does require some planning and preparation. You need to consider your business goals, your customer segments, and your message content before you start creating your Whatsapp Templates. Here are some best practices that you can follow to create effective and successful Whatsapp Templates for your business:

  • Define your purpose and objective for each Whatsapp Template. You need to have a clear and specific reason for sending each Whatsapp Template to your customers, as well as a desired outcome or result that you want to achieve. For example, your purpose could be to confirm an order, to remind a payment, to request feedback, etc. Your objective could be to increase customer satisfaction, to reduce churn, to generate referrals, etc.
  • Segment your customers based on their characteristics, behaviors, and preferences. You need to know who your customers are, what they want, and how they interact with your business, so that you can tailor your Whatsapp Templates to suit their needs and expectations. For example, you can segment your customers based on their location, age, gender, purchase history, loyalty status, etc.
  • Choose the right type and format for each Whatsapp Template. You need to select the most appropriate and suitable type and format for each Whatsapp Template, depending on your purpose, objective, and customer segment. For example, you can choose between Text Templates and Media Templates, depending on whether you want to send a simple or a rich Whatsapp Template. You can also choose between plain text, emojis, links, formatting options, etc., depending on the message content and tone that you want to convey.
  • Write clear and concise content for each Whatsapp Template. You need to write content that is easy to understand and follow for your customers, as well as to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding. You also need to write content that is short and to the point, as well as to avoid any unnecessary or redundant information. For example, you can use simple and direct language, bullet points, and questions, to make your Whatsapp Templates more clear and concise.
  • Test and optimize your Whatsapp Templates before you send them. You need to ensure that your Whatsapp Templates are working properly and effectively, as well as to measure and improve their performance and results. You also need to ensure that your Whatsapp Templates are compliant with the Whatsapp policies and guidelines, as well as to avoid any errors or issues.
Common Reasons for Rejection of Whatsapp Templates

To avoid having your submissions rejected, please make sure you avoid these common mistakes.

  • Variable parameters are not formatted correctly or have mismatched brackets. The correct format is {{1}}.
  • Variable parameters have special characters like #, $, or %. Variable parameters are not in order. For example, {{1}}, {{2}}, {{4}}, {{5}} are defined but {{3}} is missing.
  • The message template violates WhatsApp’s Commerce Policy: When you sell goods or services, we consider all messages and media related to your goods or services, including any descriptions, prices, fees, taxes and/or any required legal disclosures, as transactions.
  • Transactions must follow the WhatsApp Commerce Policy. The message template violates the WhatsApps Business Policy: Do not ask users for sensitive identifiers. For example, do not ask people to share full length individual payment card numbers, financial account numbers, National Identification numbers, or other sensitive identifiers. This also means not asking users for documents that might have sensitive identifiers. Asking for partial identifiers (ex: last 4 digits of their Social Security number) is OK.
  • The content is abusive or threatening, such as threatening a customer with legal action or threatening to publicly shame them.
  • The message template is the same as an existing template. If a template has the same wording in the body and footer as an existing template, the new template will be rejected.
Whatsapp Templates Statuses: What They Mean and How to Change Them ?

Whatsapp Templates are pre-approved messages that you can use to communicate with your customers on Whatsapp. However, not all Whatsapp Templates are the same. Depending on their review and quality, Whatsapp Templates can have different statuses that affect their availability and usage. In this section, we will explain what each Whatsapp Template status means and how you can change them if needed.

  • In-Review: The template is being reviewed by Meta. This can take up to 24 hours.
  • Rejected: The template is rejected because it does not follow our policies or guidelines.
  • Active – Quality pending: The template has not received any quality feedback or read-rate data from customers yet. You can send this template to customers.
  • Active – High Quality: The template has received positive or no feedback from customers. You can send this template to customers.
  • Active – Medium Quality: The template has received some negative feedback from customers, or low read-rates. It might be paused or disabled soon. You can send this template to customers.
  • Active – Low Quality: The template has received a lot of negative feedback from customers, or low read-rates. It is likely to be paused or disabled soon. We suggest that you fix the issues that customers are reporting. You can send this template to customers.
  • Paused: The template is paused because of repeated negative feedback from customers, or low read-rates. You cannot send this template to customers.
  • Disabled: The template is disabled because of repeated negative feedback from customers. You cannot send this template to customers.
  • Appeal Requested: You have requested an appeal for the template.
Real-world Use Cases for Customized Whatsapp Messages

Whatsapp Templates can be used for various purposes and scenarios, depending on your business type, industry, and goals. Here are some examples of how different businesses can use Whatsapp Templates to communicate with their customers effectively:

  • E-commerce: You can use Whatsapp Templates to send order confirmations, shipping notifications, delivery updates, payment reminders, product recommendations, customer reviews, etc. to your online shoppers. This can help you increase your sales, reduce your cart abandonment, improve your customer service, and build your brand loyalty.
  • Travel: You can use Whatsapp Templates to send booking confirmations, flight updates, check-in reminders, travel tips, destination guides, feedback requests, etc. to your travelers. This can help you enhance your customer experience, reduce your cancellations, increase your repeat bookings, and generate more referrals.
  • Education: You can use Whatsapp Templates to send course enrollments, class schedules, assignment reminders, test results, learning resources, feedback surveys, etc. to your students and teachers. This can help you improve your learning outcomes, increase your student engagement, reduce your dropout rates, and build your reputation.
  • Healthcare: You can use Whatsapp Templates to send appointment confirmations, health tips, prescription reminders, test reports, follow-up messages, feedback forms, etc. to your patients and doctors. This can help you improve your patient care, reduce your no-shows, increase your retention, and comply with the regulations.
  • Finance: You can use Whatsapp Templates to send account updates, transaction alerts, payment confirmations, loan offers, financial advice, feedback queries, etc. to your customers and prospects. This can help you increase your revenue, reduce your fraud, improve your customer trust, and differentiate your brand.

These are just some of the many use cases for Whatsapp Templates. You can use Whatsapp Templates for any business that requires timely, relevant, and personalized communication with your customers.

Implementing Whatsapp Templates: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you know what Whatsapp Templates are, how they can benefit your business, and how to create them effectively, you might be wondering how to implement them in your Whatsapp marketing strategy. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. You can use ChatMaxima, the ultimate Whatsapp marketing tool, to help you create, manage, and send Whatsapp Templates to your customers easily and efficiently.

ChatMaxima is a cloud-based platform that allows you to connect your Whatsapp Business API account and access all the features and functions of Whatsapp Templates. With ChatMaxima, you can:

  • Create and submit Whatsapp Templates for approval through a simple and user-friendly interface. You can choose from a variety of templates and customize them according to your needs and preferences. You can also preview and test your Whatsapp Templates before you submit them.
  • Manage and organize your Whatsapp Templates in a centralized and secure dashboard. You can view, edit, delete, and search your Whatsapp Templates, as well as track their status and performance. You can also categorize and tag your Whatsapp Templates for easy access and retrieval.
  • Send and schedule your Whatsapp Templates to your customers through a smart and automated system. You can select your target audience, set your sending frequency and timing, and monitor your delivery and response rates. You can also integrate your Whatsapp Templates with your CRM, email, SMS, and other marketing channels.

ChatMaxima is the best solution for your Whatsapp Template needs. It can help you save time, money, and effort, as well as optimize your Whatsapp marketing results. Here is how you can get started with ChatMaxima in a few easy steps:

  • Sign up for a free trial account on ChatMaxima’s website. You can choose from different plans and pricing options, depending on your business size and needs.
  • Connect your Whatsapp Business API account to ChatMaxima. You can follow the instructions and guidelines provided by ChatMaxima to complete the integration process.
  • Create and submit your Whatsapp Templates for approval. You can use ChatMaxima’s template builder and editor to create your Whatsapp Templates, or you can import your existing Whatsapp Templates from your Whatsapp Business API account.
  • Manage and send your Whatsapp Templates to your customers. You can use ChatMaxima’s dashboard and scheduler to manage and send your Whatsapp Templates, or you can use ChatMaxima’s API and webhooks to connect your Whatsapp Templates with your other marketing platforms.

That’s it! You are now ready to use Whatsapp Templates to communicate with your customers effectively and efficiently with ChatMaxima. 😊

Tips for Effective Communication through Whatsapp

Whatsapp Templates are a powerful and versatile tool for your Whatsapp marketing strategy, but they are not the only tool. You also need to use other Whatsapp features and functions, as well as follow some best practices, to ensure that you communicate with your customers effectively and appropriately through Whatsapp. Here are some tips that you can follow to improve your Whatsapp communication skills:

  • Use Whatsapp Business Profile to showcase your business information and identity. You can use your Whatsapp Business Profile to display your business name, logo, description, address, website, email, phone number, and other details that can help your customers recognize and trust your business.
  • Use Whatsapp Business Catalog to showcase your products and services. You can use your Whatsapp Business Catalog to display your product or service name, image, price, description, and link that can help your customers browse and buy your products or services directly from Whatsapp.
  • Use Whatsapp Quick Replies to respond to common and frequent questions. You can use Whatsapp Quick Replies to create and save short and standard messages that you can send to your customers with a simple keyboard shortcut. This can help you save time and effort, as well as provide consistent and accurate answers to your customers.
  • Use Whatsapp Labels to organize and categorize your chats and contacts. You can use Whatsapp Labels to create and assign different colors and names to your chats and contacts, such as new customer, pending payment, order complete, etc. This can help you sort and filter your chats and contacts, as well as track and manage your customer journey.
  • Use Whatsapp Chatbot to automate and streamline your communication. You can use Whatsapp Chatbot to create and deploy a virtual assistant that can interact with your customers 24/7, using natural language processing and artificial intelligence. This can help you provide instant and personalized responses to your customers, as well as handle multiple queries and tasks simultaneously.

These are some of the tips that you can follow to enhance your communication through Whatsapp. You can also use ChatMaxima to access and use all these Whatsapp features and functions, as well as to integrate them with your Whatsapp Templates. ChatMaxima can help you create a seamless and holistic Whatsapp marketing experience for your customers.

Future Trends and Innovations in Whatsapp Messaging

Whatsapp is constantly evolving and innovating to provide the best and most advanced messaging platform for its users. Whatsapp is always adding new features and functions, as well as improving its existing ones, to meet the changing needs and expectations of its users. Here are some of the future trends and innovations that you can expect to see in Whatsapp messaging:

  • Whatsapp Payments: Whatsapp is working on launching its own payment service that will allow users to send and receive money through Whatsapp. Whatsapp Payments will be based on the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), a secure and fast payment system that is widely used in India. Whatsapp Payments will enable users to make peer-to-peer and business-to-customer transactions, as well as to pay for products and services directly from Whatsapp.
  • Whatsapp Stories: Whatsapp is working on enhancing its Stories feature, which allows users to share photos, videos, and text that disappear after 24 hours. Whatsapp Stories will soon support stickers, filters, and music, as well as allow users to view and reply to stories from their contacts and businesses. Whatsapp Stories will also integrate with Facebook and Instagram, allowing users to cross-post their stories across different platforms.
  • Whatsapp Rooms: Whatsapp is working on expanding its Rooms feature, which allows users to create and join video calls with up to 50 participants. Whatsapp Rooms will soon support screen sharing, live captions, and reactions, as well as allow users to create and join rooms from their Whatsapp chats and groups. Whatsapp Rooms will also integrate with Messenger and Portal, allowing users to connect with their friends and family across different devices.
  • Whatsapp Dark Mode: Whatsapp is working on introducing its Dark Mode feature, which allows users to switch to a dark theme for their Whatsapp interface. Whatsapp Dark Mode will help users reduce eye strain, save battery life, and improve visibility in low-light conditions. Whatsapp Dark Mode will also offer different options and preferences, such as automatic switching, custom wallpapers, and contrast settings.

These are some of the future trends and innovations that you can look forward to in Whatsapp messaging. You can also use ChatMaxima to keep up with the latest updates and developments in Whatsapp, as well as to leverage them for your Whatsapp marketing strategy. ChatMaxima can help you stay ahead of the curve and gain a competitive edge in your market.

How ChatMaxima Can Help You with Your Whatsapp Template Strategy ?

Whatsapp Templates are a great way to communicate with your customers effectively and efficiently through Whatsapp. They can help you send timely, relevant, and personalized messages to your customers, as well as to achieve your business goals and objectives. However, creating and using Whatsapp Templates can be challenging and complicated, especially if you don’t have the right tools and resources.

That’s where ChatMaxima comes in. ChatMaxima is the ultimate Whatsapp marketing tool, that can help you with your Whatsapp Template strategy. ChatMaxima is a cloud-based platform that allows you to create, manage, and send Whatsapp Templates to your customers easily and efficiently. ChatMaxima also allows you to access and use all the other Whatsapp features and functions, as well as to integrate them with your Whatsapp Templates. ChatMaxima can help you create a seamless and holistic Whatsapp marketing experience for your customers.

If you want to learn more about ChatMaxima and how it can help you with your Whatsapp Template strategy, you can visit their website, sign up for a free trial, or contact their support team. ChatMaxima is the best solution for your Whatsapp Template needs. It can help you save time, money, and effort, as well as optimize your Whatsapp marketing results.


Whatsapp Templates are a powerful and versatile tool for your Whatsapp marketing strategy. They can help you communicate with your customers effectively and efficiently, as well as to achieve your business goals and objectives. However, creating and using Whatsapp Templates can be challenging and complicated, especially if you don’t have the right tools and resources.

That’s why you need ChatMaxima, the ultimate Whatsapp marketing tool, to help you with your Whatsapp Template strategy. ChatMaxima is a cloud-based platform that allows you to create, manage, and send Whatsapp Templates to your customers easily and efficiently. ChatMaxima also allows you to access and use all the other Whatsapp features and functions, as well as to integrate them with your Whatsapp Templates. ChatMaxima can help you create a seamless and holistic Whatsapp marketing experience for your customers.

If you want to learn more about ChatMaxima and how it can help you with your Whatsapp Template strategy, you can visit our website, sign up for a free trial, or contact our support team. ChatMaxima is the best solution for your Whatsapp Template needs. It can help you save time, money, and effort, as well as optimize your Whatsapp marketing results.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post and found it useful and informative. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to share them with us. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for reading and happy Whatsapp marketing! 😊

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